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Consecrator  Father Nicholas, pray God for us !


This site is made with the blessing of the Dean of St. Nicholas Brotherly Church, town Brest,      Archpriest   Piotr Romanovich.

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Again Jesus spoke (to the people) and told them, “ I am light for the world; who follows Me, he will not walk in the darkness but have a light of the life” (Joan.8:12)



“The true sense of a man’s life is first of allin taking this great gift of God with gratitude and awe, in surrendering to thehealing and life-giving power of this love and in responding it with all man’sstrength, all force and understanding. Then our hearts will open towards the people that surround us, and we shall learn how to accept everybody whom God sends to us along our life path as if we accepted God Himself. This love will teach us to realize all our tasks, the small and the big ones, in the name of it, and in the glory of God… And with the help of God only, close to our Mother-Church, resorting to the rescue Sacraments it is possible to overcome the perfection of human’s nature and reach the life pious, holy, full of peace and prosperity”.

Right Reverend Joann – Brest and Kobrin bishop.


Dear friends!Otez Petr

We are glad to welcoming You at the pages of our internet-site. The modern life is putting in front of a believer a lot of provocative questions having for the only object to mortify or distort the faith in Living and Personal God and turn it (the faith) into homogeneous mass of superstitions and delusions. Side by side with unbelief an immorality is actively implanted, and it is given like a norm of behaviour, like some social “virtue”. The abovementioned actions of some mass media and their clients turn a person from a “small space” to a lustful animal, which lives by his instincts and can be easily controlled. But it shouldn’t be despaired in modern complicated situation, it’s necessary to remember always the words by Christ Saviour, “Take courage, I’ve conquered the World” (In. 16,33).

I sincerely wish You to get the information from our home pages as a quidance on Your way to Christ and let it help You to become a real practiced Orthodox Christians. It is said in the Gospel of the latter, “they are fulfilling the Will of the Divine Father” (Math. 7,21). Let the life in Christ full of the Gospel sense, protected by the Tradition of the St. Orthodox Church, lead You along the rough everyday sea to a calm refuge of the RESCUE and other blessings that God has prepared for those who love Him.

We are faithfully grateful to the people who have given articles, photos, pictures and other materials for our site!

With love in Christ!

The Dean of the St. Nicholas Church in Brest

Priest Piotr Romanovich.

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